Colorado cities want safe Fourth of July |

2022-07-02 04:43:50 By : Mr. Steven Smarts Electronics

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COLORADO, USA — Cities and counties are pleading with people to follow fireworks rules ahead of this Fourth of July weekend.

Any type of firework that leaves the ground is illegal in Colorado. Some municipalities have gone even further with various fire restrictions. And after several destructive Colorado fires in recent years, firefighters are starting to notice how public attitudes around fire risk are changing, too.

“I think there are a lot of people that are very scared,” said Molly Cropp, a firefighter with Boulder Fire Rescue. “After the Marshall Fire, it seems much more real.”

☎️ A special hotline is now available for non-emergency fireworks complaints in the city of Aurora. To report non-emergency illegal firework usage in Aurora call 303.627.5678. The phone line is available July 1 through July 4th.

Cropp said her team has noticed an increase in calls reporting smoke or fire, and people who are quick to call about smoke even if its not from a local fire.

“People will say to us, ‘After the Marshall Fire, I’m just a lot more aware of smoke and fire and sights and smells and all those things.'”

Cropp said people are starting to understand fire risk isn’t just contained to national forests or deep wilderness. As more people move into the foothills, she said, the wildland-urban interface is becoming smaller.

“The Marshall Fire, unfortunately, is an example of that: Something that we never would have ever been able to think about a few years ago is now a reality for us,” she said. “We would see in California, entire neighborhoods burn down and think, ‘Oh that would never happen here.’ But now it has, and we need to be really cognizant of that.”

The City of Boulder has an open burn ban, which means no fireworks of any kind. Cropp noted that there will always be some people who don’t follow restrictions, but first responders still hope to warn community members ahead of the holiday weekend.

“I know people say, ‘Oh, its just this little sparkler, I’m doing it safely.’ Again, we don’t want to be the ‘fun police,’ but those little sparklers - they're really dangerous for little kids. People don’t realize how hot sparklers get,” she said.

“We just need to be really careful. A small spark can lead to really, really big fires.”

Let's talk fireworks. No fireworks are allowed in areas under Stage 1 Fire Restrictions. We mean absolutely none. No sparklers, no fountains, no spinners, no rockets. Bottom line, we highly recommend that you leave the fireworks to the professionals and attend a local show. (1/3)

There have been more than 20 Red Flag days so far in the Boulder area this year. Boulder Fire Rescue started bringing in more staff on those days to prepare for any needed response.

While drought conditions across Colorado have improved in recent weeks, most of the state is still under moderate to severe drought.

“The fact that we have green leaves and green grass does not mean we’re safe,” Cropp said. “The amount of rain that we’ve had is not enough to get rid of severe drought we’ve been in for so long.”

RELATED: 81 firework shows across Colorado this 4th of July

RELATED: Where fireworks are and are not legal in Colorado

RELATED: Fire danger prompts some Fourth of July firework shows to be replaced with drones


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